In the year 2020 humanity was struck by the Pandemic. This Pandemic sent us all into isolation across the globe.
We all experienced a different extreme, some did not touch another human for nine months or more, some went stir crazy with six children locked within four walls, some experienced long-term relationship separations, some suffered mental illness, some were paralysed by personal grief at the loss of a loved one and that is just the surface.
Dancing at Midnight is a piece about HOPE.
The work focuses on the metaphor of body language, gestures and subtle nuances of human communication. I wanted to illustrate the joyful dance between people when they share close proximity, harmony & good times.
The translucent glass plays magically with light; In the video I bring the work to life, give it a heartbeat and breath. As a sculpture the work is a moment in time, a snapshot, with you the viewer as witness.
During the making process I twisted, formed and gestured each element of glass to move in its own fluid way. When these elements came together, the piece carries conversations, the components relating and responding to each other, physically, spiritually and mentally as we all did before lock down.